Friday, November 28, 2008
You Gotta Love B Scott!
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"If you have no flaws, flaws, hit 'em with the Paw Paw" Love Be Scott at
"If you have no flaws, flaws, hit 'em with the Paw Paw" Love Be Scott at
Monday, November 24, 2008
Today's My Mama's Birthday!

Words alone cannot express the feeling that overcomes my heart when I think about my Mama. I can tell you though, that the attributes that make up this Phenomenal Woman, are those that every human being should aspire to achieve and embrace.
For more than half a century, Doris Cook has been mother, mentor, teacher, guardian and friend to the entire East New York "Village." Throughout my young adult life, all the neighborhood "kids" always took comfort in knowing that the door would be open and a place at the dinner table reserved for anyone who crossed the threshold at "Miss Cook's" house. I cannot remember once in my entire life that she didn't have the time to listen and share her wisdom to anyone who came to her with a problem. We laugh on Mother's Day because Mama often complains that her place looks like a funeral home from all the flowers.
When my father died from lung cancer in 1983, and knowing my birth mother, a then hopeless alcoholic, who eventually died from one drink too many, Miss Cook, who I proudly call Mama and who my kids call Gramma, vowed that she would be my mother from then on. Since that time, she has kept that promise and has proved to be one of the most wonderful people I have ever known.
I often wonder what my kids' life would be like today had we not experienced the childhood memories of Gramma's house full of laughter and cheer and drama and tears; kick-the-can and skelly on a hot summer night, hot, spicy homemade cobbler from fresh picked berries all of her Grands and the kids on the block got together and picked from the backyard, juicy pears from Mama's pear tree, church hymns, sermons, singing on the gospel choir, good old fashioned Southern church dinner outings, Double Dutch on the sidewalk, dancing in the johnny pump, handball in the schoolyard, bossy cousin Timmy telling the girls, "Get in the house!" Warm bodies, lots of hugs, noise and kids hollering, "Auntie! Auntie!" at Christmas, awesome family bar-be-cues that draw people from miles around to the grill and to the table; family bus outings to Danbury State Park; church chataquas out-of-town; family reunions; everybody went to P.S. 158 -- even me!! Everybody's first job was down the block with Mr. Bolden's B&B Construction. The boys on the truck; the girls in the office. Soooo much family history -- all because of one woman who said in my time of trouble, "Don't worry, Brenda -- we're your family now."
Today, when I called Mama to wish her Happy Birthday, she replied, "Brenda, I want to see you bright and early Thursday morning. We have a lot to do. I'm going to put on a big pot of coffee [she knows coffee is my weakness and how I love it. That's our thing -- having morning coffee together.] And so Thursday morning, you can bet your boots I'll be at Mama's house bright and early, sippin coffee and nibbling Madelines while we sit, chat and giggle while looking out at the old pear tree.
And so, today, I want to say sincerely with all my heart, "Happy Birthday, Mama! I love you very much! Thank you for being there for us. We will always be there for you."
I am so proud to have a Queen for a mom. Doris Cook is one of the many blessings I am always thankful for.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
On Guard America! The Battle Has Just Begun

But dry your eyes and rest quick, Brothers and Sisters, because we have a long, hard battle ahead. We said, "We can," and now we have. We have elected a President who can shepherd us out of this economic crisis; mend fences between countries; address global challenges we face ahead, and there is so much more to be accomplished. But we cannot expect Obama to do it alone, and together we must stand strong. We must not waver; we must not relent. The entire world is watching and we must prevail.
We have seen what eight years of a Bush administration and 24 years of Republican domination can do to men, women and families. Too many loves have been lost as a consequence of having been forced to make Survival our concubine. Admittedly naive of the underlying circumstances, I remember how disgusted I used to feel back in the early 2000s as I watched my people become more and more complacent at the feet of a pertinacious, government.
But today, I celebrate the pride and redemption that I feel as I witness my people ascending out of the ashes, greater and more brilliant than ever before, because it is a different kind of fight today than was fought back in the '60s. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those brave warriors who fought for the sweet liberties that we now enjoy. More importantly, it is because of the sacrifices of those valiant men and women, that we now, in our lifetime, celebrate a Black President of the United States. Over time, we have evolved to a battle of the minds -- a much more formidable and effective weapon today than fists or guns could be at this point.
Thousands upon thousands of Americans have been stripped of their jobs for the sake of greed. But little did the powers that be know, that with every job cut, their own pocketbooks were shrinking as a result of the small businesses emerging out of tenacity and passions.
Brothers and Sisters, this subprime disaster did not just start. This economic tsunami did not just suddenly appear one day. It is all the manifestation of years and years of lackadaisical government that has reduced each economic class one by one. Gentrification is flooding people out of their homes, creating multitudes of homeless Americans that they now categorize as the "working poor." Do you think for one minute non-Blacks really want to leave their swanky upper west side Manhattan cribs to move to Bed-Stuy?
Having Barack Obama for our President promises great opportunities for us all. Barack has promised Change we can believe in. But we cannot expect one man to change an entire nation alone. Together we elected him and together we must stand by him. It will take guts, determination, perseverance, the strength, cooperation, understanding, flexibility, commitment and the help of each and every one of us – all people, all races, creeds and religions. We are all in this together.
The Bush administration did not discriminate when hundreds of thousands of jobs got cut. They did not discriminate when people were being tossed out of their homes; ripped away from their beloved neighbors and loved ones. They did not discriminate when they stripped away health care. Each week, more and more "non-Blacks" join the serpentine lines at food pantries, and the only color the Bush administration has any respect for is the green that lines their pockets and they keep crying broke as they tuck their children cozily into their goose down comforters in their toasty mansions each night.
Yes America, we must stand strong, for the battle has just begun, and the whole world is watching as the first African American takes the helm in the most important position a human can hold on earth. That of the President of the United States of America.
Rest up quick, America, but don't sleep, because the battle to take back our lives has just begun.
Brenda Jeanne Wyche is Managing Editor of The Black Star News and Harlem Business News. If you have a solution, email . Maybe we'll talk.
To subscribe to or advertise in New York's leading Pan African weekly investigative newspaper, please call (212) 481-7745 or send a note to
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"Speaking Truth To Empower."
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Loving Our REAL MEN in honor of Domestic Violence Month OCTOBER

Love you! xoxoxoxo
Additionally, in recognition of Domestic Violence month, all the ladies are invited this Saturday, October 25th, to Physniques Holistic Weight Loss and Body Tone. In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October), we are adding a special component to our regular physical fitness class, which will include self defense techniques for women.
Click on the pink logo to sign up for

352 7th Ave. (30th St.)
Studio D, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (646) 271-0619
Experience Physniques – the ultimate holistic weight loss, body tone, detox and energy boosting system for women.
What is Physniques?
Physniques is an effervescent, fun weight control and wellness system inspired by Japanese Goju-Ryu and Northern Shaolin kung-fu, to enable women to reach their weight and fitness goals while honing the power within.
Every woman possesses her own unique metabolism, based on her body composition, which is determined by many factors including age, lifestyle, emotional state, genetics, and much more. The process by which Physniques weight control and wellness system was designed is based on that premise. An effective weight loss and fitness program cannot be generalized if maximum results are the goal. Physniques is a comprehensive health and fitness system that includes a series of exercises, power moves and nutrition guides based on the uniquity of each individual woman. Hence, Physniques.
Physniques is helpful for women suffering with health challenges such as diabetes, obesity and depression as well as energizing the woman on the move who just wants to get or stay in shape and have fun doing it.
Physniques will help you work towards your goal in a fun and realistic way while you
• Lose stomach fat
• Tone and firm up your body
• Clear up cellulite
• Increase your energy
• Finally get the look you want when you try on new clothes
Maintain the routine and start seeing results in two weeks.
In today’s fast-paced world, the ease with which you can get the proper amount of fruits and veggies into your system makes juicing a healthy lifestyle option.
You will discover how to juice your way to enhanced health and hi levels of true energy, as opposed to fake energy products riddled with excessive doses of caffeine that boost your energy for a short time only to crash you down to a halt.
So if you feel like you’re on your own when you go to the gym, Physniques is here to give you the attention and guidance you need to reach your fitness goals.
Find out how Dr. Hyman can work one-on-one with you to map out your plan of action that is going to help you get to the weight and energy level that for too long has been just a dream.
So, if you are ready to experience fun and excitement and a whole new, happier you, come to Physniques. *
Space is limited. Classroom capacity – 25 students per class.
Remember -- When you look good, you feel good and the world is yours!
Click on the pink logo to sign up for

Centrally located in midtown Manhattan on 7th Avenue near Penn Station, Physniques’ studio is conveniently poised within walking distance of public transportation and parking.
No binding memberships, contracts or annual fees. Cost is $10 per 1½ hour class. Pay online or in cash before class.
Class Schedule for Saturday, October 25th
10:00 – 11:30
12:00 – 1:30
2:00 – 3:30
4:00 – 5:30
Dress comfortably and be ready to learn and have fun.
*See your doctor before starting any new physical fitness program.
Physniques is located at 352 Seventh Avenue between 29th and 30th Streets
B, D, F, Q, V, W trains to the 34th St. station
N, R trains to the 28th St. station
A, C, E trains to the 34th St. station
LINCOLN TUNNEL: Follow signs to 34th St., make a left turn onto 34th St., proceed to 7th Ave. (2 blocks) make a right, go four blocks to 30th St. (for a parking garage make a right on 29th St.)
MIDTOWN TUNNEL: Follow signs to 35th St., make a right turn onto 35th St., proceed to 7th Ave. (7 blocks) make a left and go four blocks to 30th St. (for a parking garage make a right on 29th St.)
Click on the pink logo to sign up for

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One might opt to polish one's debating skills in preparation for such an arduous feat. But contrary to the expectations of left wing voters, it was quite obvious during the debates, that Senator John McCain was in dire need of some brushing up on his chops for any hope of keeping up with Senator Barack Obama -- another big blunder McCain made in addition to choosing Sarah Palin for his running mate, which apparently, he hoped would provide some vicarious bonus, but has backfired miserably.
Meanwhile, Sarah Palin's little darling makes her own public address.

Can't believe it? Well, BuhLEEEVE IT! Let's get a closeup.

(These two photos:
The 2008 presidential debates could indeed be described as a comedic trilogy. But the truth is, it is no laughing matter. Yet, how could you not fall off your couch during the debates, when Obama challenged McCain's promise to take the lead on controlling spending and balancing tax cuts to help middle class families, arguing that McCain voted for almost all of President Bush's budgets and admittedly agreed with President Bush 90% of the time – President Bush being the same president who presided over an increase in spending and enormous deficits – an argument to which McCain initiated the rambling retort, “Well, it's well known that I have not been elected Miss Congeniality . . .”
And, if you're "scared" of Sarah Palin, after witnessing the Presidential debates, you must be terrified of John McCain who, when asked, “What would the candidates cut back in an effort to balance the budget," McCain responded, “Okay – What would I cut? I would have an across the board spending freeze -- Okay? Some people say that's a hatchet; that's a hatchet and then I would get out a scalpel. (geesh)
It's no wonder voters are hauling ass to the Democratic side (Mainstream media like to use the more delicate term, "swaying," but I like to call it as I see it -- they're hauling ass from the left.)
Clearly, this crucial election is no laughing matter. But, how can one keep a straight face when Obama keeps zapping McCain's ramblings with facts? For instance, when asked about their running mate selections, as part of his answer, McCain vehemently declared his support of Sarah Palin's interest in assistance for children with autism, (Palin's youngest child is autistic), which prompted Senator Obama, who is also in favor of fighting autism, to quickly advise Senator McCain that the issue of autism will require additional funding, and inquired of McCain how he could be serious about helping autistic children if he's going to implement an “across the board spending freeze," to which McCain again, could provide an intelligent answer. Another touché for Obama.
While McCain continues to attack Obama, in an attempt to smoke screen the fact that he has no clue or plan of what he will do to improve the state of America, Obama has already started laying out his plan which is:
1. Focus on jobs for Americans by kiboshing tax breaks for companies that are shipping jobs overseas and provide a tax credits for every company that's creating a job right here in America.
2. Help families right away by providing them with a tax cut for people making less than $200,000 and allow them to access their IRA accounts without penalty (up to $10,000) if they're experiencing a crisis
3. A 90 day moratorium on foreclosure applicable to institutions receiving federal aid, remarking,
“If we can move quickly to pass a rescue plan for our financial system, there's no reason we can't move just as quickly to pass a rescue plan for our middle class.” (Obama)
This is the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves, make-it-happen, on-your-toes methodology that America needs to restore the vitality we once enjoyed. Critics charge Obama's articulation as “silver tongued rhetoric." Nevertheless, Obama has proven time and again that he is in touch with the needs of the people, is most adept on foreign affairs, and with regard to the economy, he gets it.
This economic crisis that is crippling America should not have happened. If 9/11 taught us anything, it should have been, never to sleep. Apparently, the powers-that-be fell asleep at the wheel again – or – perish the thought that they were wide awake during the mortgage crisis that toppled Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, major banks, etc., causing the domino effect that is still shaking this country right now, leaving the middle class, once again, to pick up the wreckage. It was on George W's watch that we fell into this plight and John McCain is just another George W in a different shell. Can America afford another eight years of the same – or worse?
It is no wonder that Colin Powell gave Barack Obama his strong endorsement, adding to a long list of power figures who support Obama, including Oprah Winfrey and Warren E. Buffett, the richest man in the world.
It's no wonder voters are hauling ass to the Democratic side (Mainstream media like to use the more delicate term, "swaying," but I like to call it as I see it -- they're hauling ass from the left.)
Clearly, this crucial election is no laughing matter. But, how can one keep a straight face when Obama keeps zapping McCain's ramblings with facts? For instance, when asked about their running mate selections, as part of his answer, McCain vehemently declared his support of Sarah Palin's interest in assistance for children with autism, (Palin's youngest child is autistic), which prompted Senator Obama, who is also in favor of fighting autism, to quickly advise Senator McCain that the issue of autism will require additional funding, and inquired of McCain how he could be serious about helping autistic children if he's going to implement an “across the board spending freeze," to which McCain again, could provide an intelligent answer. Another touché for Obama.
While McCain continues to attack Obama, in an attempt to smoke screen the fact that he has no clue or plan of what he will do to improve the state of America, Obama has already started laying out his plan which is:
1. Focus on jobs for Americans by kiboshing tax breaks for companies that are shipping jobs overseas and provide a tax credits for every company that's creating a job right here in America.
2. Help families right away by providing them with a tax cut for people making less than $200,000 and allow them to access their IRA accounts without penalty (up to $10,000) if they're experiencing a crisis
3. A 90 day moratorium on foreclosure applicable to institutions receiving federal aid, remarking,
“If we can move quickly to pass a rescue plan for our financial system, there's no reason we can't move just as quickly to pass a rescue plan for our middle class.” (Obama)
This is the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves, make-it-happen, on-your-toes methodology that America needs to restore the vitality we once enjoyed. Critics charge Obama's articulation as “silver tongued rhetoric." Nevertheless, Obama has proven time and again that he is in touch with the needs of the people, is most adept on foreign affairs, and with regard to the economy, he gets it.
This economic crisis that is crippling America should not have happened. If 9/11 taught us anything, it should have been, never to sleep. Apparently, the powers-that-be fell asleep at the wheel again – or – perish the thought that they were wide awake during the mortgage crisis that toppled Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, major banks, etc., causing the domino effect that is still shaking this country right now, leaving the middle class, once again, to pick up the wreckage. It was on George W's watch that we fell into this plight and John McCain is just another George W in a different shell. Can America afford another eight years of the same – or worse?
It is no wonder that Colin Powell gave Barack Obama his strong endorsement, adding to a long list of power figures who support Obama, including Oprah Winfrey and Warren E. Buffett, the richest man in the world.
For more on Presidential Election 2008 and other breaking news, visit "Speaking Truth To Empower."
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Politics Presidential,
Sarah Palin

The former Wall Street trader and self-made billionaire whose second term expires in 2009, proposes the adjustment on the premise that the City must have his Wall Street expertise to shepherd the city through the economic crisis.
On Sunday, October 19th, NYC Comptroller William H. Thompson charged that last week's public hearings on the matter of term limits, were rushed in what the Comptroller cited as “. . . an abrupt effort to steamroll the Mayor's legislation forward.” Thompson further charged that the hearings failed to give many New Yorkers an opportunity to voice their opinions. In addition, the Comptroller stated that high-level government officials in City Hall are abusing their authority by bullying groups that receive city funding into testifying on the Mayor's behalf and intimidating Council members into voting for the Mayor's legislation, ignoring the voice of their constituents. “These tactics are highly inappropriate and paint a portrait of a desperate campaign rife with heavy handed coercion attempting to discount the will of the public," Comptroller Thompson concluded.
Thompson, a would be contender for the Mayor's seat, provided the bill for a third term is not passed, is strongly in favor of a public referendum and open democratic hearings on term limits in each of the five boroughs.
Now, let's take a moment to analyze this situation. Let's see, now -- We've survived the stock market crash of 1929, the Great Depression, Two World Wars, the Stock Market Crash of 1987, and the invasion of the Cabbage Patch Kids all without Mayor Bloomberg in office.
With all due respect, to the Mayor, entertaining the notion that New York City will cease to thrive because a new captain takes the helm during a negative economy, is arrogant and narcissistic, to say the least.
The Mayor's justification for a third term in office raises the question, “Where was all Bloomberg's Wall Street expertise before over 20,000 high paying financial jobs on Wall Street ended up on the chopping block, while the Mayor was out chasing waterfalls? Why wasn't New York City better prepared for the financial tsunami – especially with the handwriting on the wall for such long time?”
Interestingly, it is a documented fact that right now, the Brooklyn economy is thriving better than the City as a whole, based on a report released by the Brooklyn Labor Market Review, released September 12th, 2008 . Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce President, Carl Hum accredits Brooklyn's success to simply, diversifying. “Our research shows Brooklyn is capable of weathering an economic downturn because our jobs and businesses are not reliant upon a single industry. This is critical as we are experiencing what is likely to be a recession,” Hum concluded back in September.
Why is it that the Mayor's office failed to garner similar results? Could this aggression for a third term in office be a personal or professional endeavor to save face?
Admittedly, Mayor Bloomberg did a great thing by declaring war on bullies in the schools. There are, undoubtedly, many great things he has done for the City, nix (pun intended) the Olafur Eliasson waterfall monstrosities that sickened our much needed trees. But the fact remains that the countless poor and middle class of New York City feel that they have been forced to carry the burden of this City's financial woes on their backs for far too long, and relief is at hand. Hard working citizens, some working two; even three jobs, to barely feed their families want relief. Proud and decent people who have been unemployed too long and feel abandoned by the same administration who they have worked hard and diligently to support over the years, want relief.
Mothers and babies who were turned away from the City's shelter last Christmas because of some cruel and inhumane law that reduced the eligibility criteria for access to a shelter so slim, that even babies were turned out into the cold DURING CHRISTMAS, want relief!!!
People are weary and feel they have suffered enough. New York has practically become a police state with stiff laws and penalties enforced on the poor with no help in sight.
At this point, people just want to give someone else a chance to help them get their shambled lives back. Many more just want to see their family, friends and small businesses who have been pushed out and priced out, come back home. Restore the heartbeat to the City they love -- oh Hell -- the City that WE love.
At the October 17th hearing, Comptroller Thompson stated during his testimony, “At a time when our sole focus as a city should be on our economy, protecting working people, and maintaining quality city services for our citizens, the Mayor has us debating an issue that shouldn’t even be on the table. Even worse, he has proposed a measure that circumvents the voters and shatters the bonds of trust that are the essence of good government.”
New York City voters have already voted for term limits in 1993 and again in favor of term limits in 1996.
CLICK HERE to view the Comptroller's full testimony.
THE WORKING HOMELESS – Must They Bail Out the Fat Cats While Impaled In Sharpened Fangs?

It' s like the burdens of the entire WORLD always fall on the shoulders of the middle class until the middle class are submerged into their own subliminal, impoverished graves; deserted and forgotten to rot in the bitterness of broken dreams. Where's the democracy it that?! Did you, or I, or (dare I say), "Joe the Plumber," have any say in the $700 billion bailout for the Fat Farts leeching this economy dry?

While the powers-that-be argue, "That's progress," I'm asking, "OH! Is that how progress is being defined now?" In my book, it's a tragedy and a shame. And it's not going to get better -- only worse for the multitudes of men and women zombying through the streets, aimless, devastated and still in shock, due to their lengthy unemployment or undremployment bouts, resulting in shakedowns of entire neighborhoods in the name of capitalism.

I am blessed to be able to boast how well my two beautiful daughters fared. But it did not come without emotional scars and a price, and had it not been for the kindness and compassion of my friends (God bless the Cooks who taught me the TRUE meaning of "It takes a Village, and my brother, Joseph" many, many years ago), family (God bless the Cooks and my brother, Joseph), AND STRANGERS, it may have been an outcome quite the contrary.
But, what happens to families in dire need? Who's bailing THEM out?!!! Who's bailing those children out? To place the burdens of some greedy money gouging aristocrats on the backs of our children is sinful.
And don't get me started on those "greater than thous" who choose naivety to conveniently take the position that homelessness is a punishment for slackers and lazy people. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! There are thousands of homeless people in New York City shelters who work full time jobs, but still cannot bring "home" enough money to pay these astronomical rents or to clean up their credit in order to even hope for a chance. WHEN IS IT ENOUGH?!! How much more must come off the backs of the middle class who clearly are the backbone and foundation of this country, based on the fact that consumer spending -- OUR DOLLARS -- accounts for more than 2/3 of the American economy?

The following is a true account of a working homeless woman in Vermont, by Michelle Kennedy, Author of “Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in America: My Story.”
Michelle writes:
"If there is one fact you should take away from this issue paper,
it is that homelessness is closer to you or to anyone else than you
might imagine.
My own spiral into homelessness did not begin with drug use, alcohol
abuse or any of the other issues we, as a society, often believe “cause”
homelessness. In fact, it was my education and my former station in life
as a middle-class mom that eventually led me to rock bottom.
How was that possible? It’s pretty simple, really. I believed that, after
leaving a bad marriage and finally having the courage to pack up
my children — aged 4, 3 and 1 at the time — finding a job was the
only barrier to happiness. I believed that once I found a “good” job,
everything else would fall into place.
That’s not quite what happened. I found the job just fine, but somewhere
in my formerly middle-class mind, I believed a good job equaled a decent
place to live. I was wrong. Finding a good job just meant I didn’t qualify
for help. So, while I worked my tail off working for tips in a restaurant,
making a decent $10 an hour, my children had to sleep in my car;
because I didn’t qualify for child care assistance. Or housing assistance.
Or food stamps.
So my kids and I lived in a car, lucky that it wasn’t winter, lucky we weren’t
in a dangerous city. I didn’t have a shelter to go to. I didn’t have someone
advocating for me — showing me the “ropes” of poverty, if you will.
I wish someone had. It would have saved my children and I a lot of pain
during the months we lived in my Subaru station wagon.
I have discovered my own experience was not unique, that thousands
of people have been there, just like me. So as you read this paper,
keep in mind there are a lot of families out there living on the edge of
homelessness, and many have already fallen over that edge. Keep in mind
you may meet some of them working at a restaurant, a store, or perhaps a day-care center. And keep in mind it doesn’t have to be that way."
Michelle Kennedy is the author of “Without a Net: Middle Class and Homeless (with Kids) in
America: My Story,” published by Viking, 2005. She lives with her family in Chelsea, Vermont.
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