Not fettered by the blazing sun, Towns, in the presence of friends, family, legislators, clergy and constituents, promised to continue to fight for small business loans, job creation, and education for all.
“People want to work. We must all work together to create jobs and we need to become more proactively involved with the educational system. We cannot be a society where some people get an education and others are left out,” stated Rep. Towns.
Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez (D-NY) passionately outlined some of Towns’ accomplishments, emphasizing his hands on involvement to sustain accountability with respect to the bailouts as he Chairs the Committee for Oversight and Government Reform.
“When it comes to the fight for those most vulnerable, Ed Towns is there," Velasquez continued. "When it comes to preserving affordable housing ~ whether for Starrett City or public housing, Ed Towns has been there helping us win. When it comes to women, children and seniors, Ed Towns has been there, fighting for working families. As a woman, I appreciate all the work that he has done to put an end to domestic violence. Ed Towns has been there fighting the cuts on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Now is the time to have someone with experience, tenacity, leadership and vision to help President Barack Obama move forward a legislative agenda that responds to the needs of working families in America.“
When asked his response to critics who say new blood is needed in the 10th Congressional seat, Rep. Towns told BSN that being a senior member of Congress enables him to accomplish things that a “rookie” could not. Rep. Towns added that he has passed a lot of legislation from which the American people have benefited and has brought plenty of resources to the District.
NYS Assemblymember Annette Robinson (D-56th A.D.) added, “Anyone who understands government knows that government works under the seniority system. We have someone who is currently chairing a major committee in Congress. Not only does he chair for the 10the Congressional District, which he represents, but he chairs for this entire country. That is very important.”
Robinson added the concern that a newbie in the seat will not have any seniority and subsequently, will not have the ability to draw the caliber of resources that Congressman Towns can.
Most recently, Towns voted for an extension of unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who continue to struggle in a bleak job market.
Towns has been criticized by opposers as being a charmer of senior citizens and considered docile during the Republican reign of the 1990’s. Based on his more recent triumphs, Mr. Congeniality may very well be adopted The Comeback Kid.
Brenda Jeanne Wyche is Managing Editor of The Black Star News and Harlem Business News.
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